Support Chhaya CDC in building the power, housing stability, and economic well-being of South Asian and Indo-Caribbean communities in New York City. Donate Today!

15% and Growing

The Asian Pacific American (APAs) community is the fastest-growing racial/ethnic group in New York City. The challenges faced by our community continue to grow.

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought into blinding light the systemic inequities our community faces while exacerbating these challenges. Now more than ever, we demand that the NYC Council be responsive to the needs of our community and ensure that cost-saving does not impact the well-being of the most vulnerable. 

  • Nearly a quarter of APAs in NYC live in poverty—the highest poverty rate across all race/ethnic groups.
  • APAs in NYC have the highest poverty gap or intensity of poverty. 
  • Almost 40% of APAs in NYC receive Medicaid.
  • 78% of APAs in NYC are foreign-born.

Despite these indicators, in fiscal year 2020, Asian-led and serving organizations only received 4.37% of City Council discretionary dollars and less than 1.5% of social service contract dollars. Asian-led organizations provide the most effective, culturally-competent, and language accessible services and have the most impact on addressing the needs of our community. As the challenges our community faces is intensified by the COVID-19 crisis, these services are even more critical. 

The City needs to invest in language accessible programs that serve the most vulnerable groups in New York City. Chhaya’s mission to build the housing stability and economic well-being of our community members is essential work. 

For more information, please refer to 15% FY2021 Budget Priorities, or contact Jose Miranda at

Main Office:
37-43 77th St, 2nd Floor, Jackson Heights, NY 11372
Contact: 718.478.3848;

Richmond Hill Center:
121-18 Liberty Avenue, 2nd Floor, Richmond Hill, NY 11419
Contact: 718.374.3371;


Copyright 2022 by Chhaya Community Development Corporation. All rights reserved. Chhaya CDC is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.